Sunday, May 17, 2020

Campus Size And Its Impact On Student s Education

Many teenagers, especially those who are preparing for college, don’t fully understand the differences between and public and private university. They don’t realize that they are quite some similarities between the two, but also have different characteristics that distinguish them apart. Public universities, like ASU, are known for having a higher acceptance rate, but could not always be good since they’re not precise on what students they accept. Private university Lake Forest College, who has higher academic requirements, might have a better college experience then those at a public university. Although both public and private universities are very similar, they still contrast in campus size, diversity among the students, and tuition†¦show more content†¦With a school with about 40,000 students, classroom size is dramatically affected. Classroom size at ASU ranges from 30-50 students depending on the class. This grants a lack of communication between the student and professor. Having good communication with a professor is the key to success in college. Lake Forest College, which is a small university, currently has a campus size of 107 acres. This is great because it means that transportation is better, and it’s not big enough to house thousands of students. The Lake Forest campus is a compact and not spread around in a city like ASU. This makes it easier for the students to get around campus, and to not worry about paying for expensive parking. With a student population with about 1,500 students, the average class size is 19 students. This is great because there you won’t be just a â€Å"number†, but an actual person. Student diversity in both a public and private are pretty diverse. Of course at a campus like ASU there is going to be more people with different ethnicity. White race dominates the school when it comes to the student population. ASU ranges from the Hispanic community to native Hawaiian/ Paci fic Islander. With such a diverse population, one will find that there are many people with common interest as them. It’s fair to say that at private university like Lake Forest is home to less students, but it’s quite diverse as well. Like ASU, Lake Forest has more students with

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